We have put together a report from our global event Envision 4.7 taking place in Helsinki in November 2019! The event brought around 200 people together to discuss ways to take the SDG Target 4.7 forward. In the report you can find summaries of all the speeches, panel discussions, workshops and working groups that were held at the event, together with a summary of discussions around all the different topics. You can also find pictures and drawings from the event at the report, you can find it from the link below!

The atmosphere around our global event was also captured as a video, where you can see numerous of the event participants talk about the importance for SDG Target 4.7, transformative lifelong learning, the event itself and the roadmap that was co-created at the event. We truly hope you like it!


But the story does not stop here – we are now in the process of setting up ways forward for the biggest outcome of Envision 4.7: a strong roadmap for the future implementation of SDG Target 4.7 in Europe.

The event was supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland. Many thanks to everyone who were involved at making the event and the roadmap happen!