Results (201)
About Bridge 47
Bridge 47 was created to bring people together to share and learn from each other. We mobilise civil society all around the world to do their part for global justice and eradication of poverty with the help of Global Citizenship Education.

FILE: monitoring_progress_4.7_bgr.pdf

FILE: learning_assesment_4.7_bgr.pdf

FILE: monitoring_progress_to_4.7.pdf

FILE: reframing_the_message.pdf

FILE: think-global_report_final.pdf

FILE: bridge47_transformativelearningjourneys2021_1.pdf

FILE: network_publication_web_pages_2021.pdf

FILE: 17_transformational_communications_toolkit.pdf

FILE: outcomes-focused_policymaking_sdg_npf_final_0.pdf

FILE: report_envision_4.7.pdf

FILE: global_citizenship_education_guide_for_policy_makers.pdf

FILE: 23_state_of_global_education_in_europe_gene_report.pdf

FILE: bridge47_gce_for_unknown_futures_report-compressed.pdf

FILE: invitation_bridge_47_ttt_transformative_learning_finland_estonia_1.pdf

FILE: envision_4.7_programme.pdf

FILE: call_for_proposals_guidelines1.pdf

FILE: idea_bridge47_police_publication.pdf

FILE: deeep-guide-2015-003.pdf

FILE: idea_working_in_partnership_toolkit_0.pdf

FILE: bridge_47_joint_call_for_papers_en.pdf

FILE: 20_unesco_gce.pdf

FILE: call_for_applications_transformative_learning_journey_2019.pdf

I would like to be in Helsinki for the conference

FILE: tender_regional_knowledge_exchange_consultant_.pdf

FILE: 1_transformative_education.pdf

FILE: characteristics_of_4.7.pdf

FILE: finding_frames.pdf

FILE: 15_finding_frames_1.pdf

FILE: 22_gce_in_latin_america_and_the_carribean.pdf

FILE: 3_cross-sectoral_cooperation.pdf

FILE: 12_monitoring_gce.pdf

FILE: 7_pan_european_strategy.pdf

FILE: using_learning_assesment_data.pdf

FILE: envision_4.7_webinar_slides.pdf

FILE: un_regional_preparatory_meetings_briefing_note_for_b47_network_members-3.pdf

FILE: idea_bridge47_partnerships_digital.pdf
Bridge 47 is at HLPF 2019 – Words from Chair, Rilli Lappalainen
For the next 10 days, about 3,000 people are attending the UN’s High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) to review our global, collective effort to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

FILE: tor_partnerships_publication.pdf
Through Other Eyes
Originally developed as an online learning tool, but now available in study book format, the Through Other Eyes (TOE) educational resource was developed by prof.
Bridge 47 response to UNESCO future of ESD consultation
This is Bridge 47's response to UNESCO's consultation on the future of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Action Programme 2030 which took place in October-November 2018.
The SDG Target 4.7 Roadmap is Here!
200 policy makers, civil society members and researchers from all over the world got together in Helsinki to make a roadmap for the future implementation of SDG Target 4.7 in Europe.
Underpinning the Role of the European Education Area in Supporting Europe to Achieve Agenda 2030
Bridge 47 organised a multi-stakeholder panel discussion, co-hosted by MEP Dace Melbārde and MEP Michaela Šojdrová, on how the European Education Area (EEA) could help Europe on its path to achieving Agenda 2030.
Another World is happening. Towards a Great Transition through a Global Citizens Movement.
This is the master’s thesis of the DEEEP4 project coordinator Tobias Troll.
The Transition Network
This is the website of the Transition Network, founded in 2006 in Totnes, UK that supports activities of over 1400 Transition communities in more than 50 countries of the world, with the majority o
Global Citizenship Panel at the Transforming Lives: The Power of Human Rights Education Exhibition
Developing a consciousness of being a citizen of the world is key to respect for human rights. Where does Global Citizenship and Global Citizenship Education fit within this understanding?

Youth for Peace International (YfPI) is a youth-led peacebuilding organization, based in India, where we envision a peaceful world of empowered youth and sustainable societies. Since its foundation in 2015, it has been working at community, national and international levels with youth (primarily), children and teachers through Peace Education/GCE (training and workshops), Refugees Humanitarian support and Policy Advocacy for Youth Peacebuilding (Website: and Facebook: We would like to join Bridge 47 network. Is it possible to join the network and the global even if we are not based in EU? Looking forward to hearing from you.

FILE: tor_network_publication.pdf
Transformative education and lifelong learning: how about the adults?
Chris Millora, author of Bridge 47's research paper on Unlocking the transformative potential of education: the alliance between Lifelong Learning and SDG Target 4.7, reflects on the role adult education within transformative education.
Resources for Rethinking (
Resources for Rethinking ( is a web portal that provides access to more than 1 000 teaching resources for teachers working on education for sustainable development.
GENE National Peer Reviews on Global Education
The Global Education Network Europe (GENE) is a network of Ministries and Agencies with national responsibility for Global Education in European countries.
Transformation: Reflections on theory and practice of system change
This resource is a 'thinkpiece', the 2nd in the DEEEP reflections series, written by Johannes Krause, co-founder of Impuls – Agency for applied utopia and DEEEP’s 'critical friend'.
Podcast: Senator Alice-Mary Higgins, Local Political Leadership for Sustainable Development
Senator Higgins talks about why the SDGs matter; how politicians can implement the SDGs in their work; and how CSOs and political decision makers can better collaborate to advance the mission of the SDGs.
How SDG Target 4.7 accelarates Agenda 2030 progress
If we are to achieve the vision of Agenda 2030, transformation is necessary.
Research and Degrowth
This is the website of Research & Degrowth (R&D). R & D is an academic association dedicated to research, awareness raising, and events organization around the topic of degrowth.
GCE event in Sofia, Bulgaria
The Bulgarian Platform for International Development (BPID) hosted presentations and workshops for some 90 participants over the course of the weekend.
Response to UNESCO’s Futures of Education Consultation: Comic strip
In response to UNESCO’s Futures of Education consultation, Bridge 47 has released this comic strip.
The Global POV Project
The GlobalPOV Project combines critical social theory, improvised art and digital media to explore innovative ways of thinking about poverty, inequality and undertaking poverty action.
Global Citizenship Education: Taking it Local
This short document is UNESCO’s attempt to showcase mostly non-Western ways of knowing (and being) as they relate to the UNESCO defined concept of GCE.
Envision 4.7. Policy Papers Launched
Ahead of EU Green Week, the Bridge 47 network is launching a series of policy papers that emphasize the EU’s need to priori
Mobilising Different Conversations about Global Justice in Education: Toward Alternative Futures in Uncertain Times.
This is article uses the method of social cartography with the intention to contribute to different conversations about global justice and education.
UNESCO Clearinghouse on Global Citizenship Education
The GCED Clearinghouse is a global database on GCED jointly set up by UNESCO and APCEIU (Asia- Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding) to facilitate information sharing and enh
Scottish Global Citizenship Education Event
On the 11th November Bridge 47 hosted the first of its Scottish Global Citizenship Education annual events in Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city, earlier this month. The event was hosted in partnership with Glasgow City Council and the West of Scotland Development Education Centre.
New Response to UNESCO’s Futures of Education Consultation
In response to UNESCO’s Futures of Education consultation, Bridge 47 has released the following report on the power that tr
The Ecological Footprint Calculator / Earth Overshoot Day
This entry introduces two projects/websites developed by the Global Footprint Network (GFN).
Understanding the Impact of Global Citizenship Education – Using a Theory of Change Approach
The IDEAS report Understanding the Impact of Global Citizenship Education – Using a Theory of Change Approach provides an overview of the range of impacts IDEAS members are working towards and disc
A Collective Call to Fund Education Data for the Global Goals
Back in February, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS
Bridge 47 Press Kit
Thanks for your interest in Bridge 47. Please open the interactive PDF below to open our press kit where you'll find the practical information and resources you need for press related work.
GCE for Unknown Futures Report Translated into French and Spanish
Translations for Bridge 47’s report on ‘Global Citizenship Education (GCE) for Unknown Futures’ written by Rene Suša are now available in in French and Spanish.
EarthCARE Global Justice Framework
The EarthCARE Global Justice framework emerged out of an international R&D network of eco-social learning initiatives that seek to integrate ecological, cognitive, affective, relational, and ec
Journeys to Citizen Engagement: Action Research with Development Education Practitioners in Portugal, Cyprus and Greece
Engagement’ is a term frequently used among NGOs and social movements, but there has been little exploration of its meaning.
New Scottish Policy Making Resource Created through Bridge 47 Partnership
Launching today, a new guide for policy makers in the Scottish Government has been co-created through a collaboration between Government and civil society organisations in Scotland.
Cross-Sectoral Cooperation For Sustainable Futures
Dr Jana Arbeiter, author of Bridge 47's research publication on Cross-Sectoral Cooperation for Sustainable Futures, offers a personal reflection on the topic.
There you go!
There you go! is an online campaign, supported by a short animated video and an illustrated booklet by Survival International.
Envision 4.7: Reflecting on the Road Ahead
How do you accurately sum up an event like the whirlwind of Envision 4.7? It is not an easy thing to do given the breadth and depth of discussion last week in Helsinki.
Training Manual: Local Political Leadership for Sustainable Development
Our Bridge 47 Consortium Partner, IDEA, partnered with
“Building global citizens movement” - Johannesburg conference documentary
This is a 10 minute documentary that highlights the key moments and insights from the 2013 Johannesburg conference “Building a global citizens movement”.
International Degrowth Movement portal
This is the international portal of the degrowth movement, hosted by Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie, a Leipzig-based think tank for social, democratic and ecological economy.
Report from Envision 4.7
We have put together a report from our global event Envision 4.7 taking place in Helsinki in November 2019! In the report you can find summaries of all the speeches, panel discussions, workshops and working groups that were held at the event, together with a summary of discussions around all the different topics.
Envision 4.7 Policy Papers
The ‘Envision 4.7 Policy Papers’ outline how the European Commission’s six policy priorities for 2019-2024 - the Green Deal, Future of Europe, Digital Education Plan, A Strong Social Europe for Jus
UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development framework - Civil Society Perspectives
Foresight and SDG 4.7 Publication Launched
Bridge 47 have commissioned a research publication on Foresight for SDG 4.7, exploring the role of transformative education and SDG Target 4.7 in responding to the global challenges, risks and trends of the future.
Connecting the Dots: Key Strategies that Transform Learning for Environmental Education, Citizenship and Sustainability
Connecting the Dots is a strategic toolkit / report, developed by Learning for a Sustainable Future, a Canada-based NGO that was created in 1991 with the mission to integrate sustainability educati
Global Citizenship Education: A Guide for Policy Makers
This publication by the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) was developed to assist UNESCO Member States to integrate and strengthen GCE in national education
GENE Global Education Innovation Award 2018
Since 2017, GENE has been offering Global Education Innovation Awards that are meant to reward and showcase best examples of GCE practice in the European context.
Response to UNESCO’s Futures of Education: Report
In response to UNESCO’s Futures of Education consultation, Bridge 47 has released the following report on the power that tr
The Slavery Footprint
The Slavery Footprint is an online calculator, similar to the Ecological Footprint that calculates the estimated number of modern-day slaves that are required to upkeep our current levels of materi
Envision 4.7 Roadmap
The Envision 4.7 Roadmap is a policy guideline for the future implementation of SDG Target 4.7 in Europe.
Transformational communications for global justice. Reframing toolkit
This is a communications toolkit, developed on the basis of the 'values and frames' framework.
Why is transformative education a vital response to the multiple challenges of the future?
Tereza Čajková, author of Bridge 47's publication on Why is Transformative Education a Vital Response to the Multiple Challenges of the Future?, reflects on how learning and education can prepare us in our response to global challenges.
Podcast: The European Education Area and Student Participation
Adrian Barbaros is a Board member of OBESSU. In this Bridge 47 Network Podcast episode, he talks about why student participation is crucial to target 4.7 and GCE.
EU Green Week Event Emphasises Transformative Education as Crucial to Strengthening Europe’s Green Competency Framework
The Bridge 47 Network held a virtual discussion as part of EU Green Week 2021, emphasising Transformative Education’s role in strengthening Europe’s Green Competencies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out in Agenda 2030.

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FILE: 5_competencies.pdf

FILE: terms_of_reference_research_consultant_on_sdg_4.7.pdf

FILE: eadi_knowledge_partnerships_publ_draft2_1_0.pdf

FILE: bridge47_presskit_12102020_1.pdf

FILE: tor_communications_coordinator.pdf
Global Citizenship Education - Changing the narrative around SDGs, roundtable and workshop
A roundtable of experts from CSOs and institutions will kickstart the debate on Global Citizenship Education, organised by SOLIDAR and the DARE Network. The roundtable will be followed by an intera
From Theory to Practice - Time to Act for "ESD for 2030“
When? Friday, 21 May 2021, 2:30 to 4:30 pm CET.
NHS Scotland Active Global Citizenship - Fact finding workshop
The first of two afternoon workshops with the NHS staff.
Education for Sustainable Development 2030 - UNESCO Roadmap and Civil Society Perspectives, online seminar
Climate change, growing inequality, the threat to democratic structures and a lack of political participation – there are various interconnected challenges for a sustainable and just future.
Online workshop on Citizenship Education Competences for a Fairer Europe
Join us for an interactive and reflective discussion on the skills and competencies entailed in global citizenship education.

4.7 Policy Working Group meeting - global level
Bridge 47 Network is happy to invite you to the first policy working group meeting focusing on global level policies for the SDG Target 4.7.
Bridge 47 Side Event at HLPF
Bridge 47, together with the Government of Finland, will host a HLPF side event discussion panel called, “Global Citizenship Education – Why is it Important?
Human Rights Education and GCED Event
On 13 December 2019, our National Officer of France will take part to a panel discussion on Global Citizenship at the House of UNESCO in Paris. This session aims to examine how the consciousness of being a Global Citizen is a key element in the protection of human rights.
4.7 Policy Working Group Meeting
A year has passed since Bridge 47 and over 200 policy makers, academics, civil society representatives, education practitioners and other stakeholders from around the world gathered in Helsinki to
NHS Scotland - Second workshop
The second of two afternoon workshops with NHS staff. The aim of both events is to get a better understanding of the lived experience of staff within the health service in Scotland and how they relate to Global Citizenship Education.
Webinar on "Sustainability & Citizenship: examples from the COVID crisis"
The crisis provides an opportunity to change the principles of organisations, improve governance, develop new practices - for a more sustainable world.

FILE: cso_implementation_toolkit.pdf

FILE: 2_lifelong_learning.pdf

FILE: envision_4.7_participant_list_1.pdf
Foresight and SDG 4.7 Publication
Why is transformative education a vital response to the multiple challenges of the future?
A Coherent European Approach to SDG Target 4.7
Bridge 47 have released a publication on 'A Coherent European Approach to SDG Target 4.7'.
Changing Hearts and Minds: Three Great Insights from a Recent InfoPoint in Brussels
Bridge 47 and the DEAR Programme recently co-hosted an InfoPoint in Brussels to showcase the Envision 4.7 Roadmap

FILE: 6_resources.pdf

FILE: 2_the_space_between_stories_-1-.pdf

Envision 4.7
Bridge 47 and over 200 European policy makers, academics, civil society representatives and others will gather in Helsinki to discuss, learn and plan for the future of this crucial target in Europe. Envision 4.7 is organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland under the auspices of Finland’s Presidency of the EU Council.
Brussels InfoPoint Conference: Changing Hearts and Minds
Bridge 47 and the EU's DEAR fund support team are hosting a lunchtime InfoPoint session in Brussels called 'Changing Hearts and Minds - Why Informed Citizens are Key to Achieving the SDGs'.
Envisioning More 4.7 Webinar
Bridge 47 hosted a webinar on ‘Envisioning More 4.7’, to present the activities and measures that have been taken to forward the Envision 4.7 Roadmap.
We're All from a Small Town – Impressions from an HLPF First-Timer
A few months ago, I encountered an interesting quote from Barack Obama.
A Growing Global Network Thanks to HLPF
For two weeks, I was involved in the UN High Level Political Forum in New York as part of the Bridge 47 delegation, where the SDG 4 on inclusive, quality education, was reviewed.
Partnership between SLOGA and SIAE becomes official
In the past two years, Slovene NGO platform for development, global education and humanitarian aid (SLOGA) and Slovene Institute for Adult Education (SIAE) joined forces
The Bridge 47 project ends, but the journey continues
As the Bridge 47 Project comes to an end in July, Nora Forsbacka, the Project Manager, reflects on the past four years of the project.
Bridge 47 is recruiting a Research Consultant on SDG Target 4.7!
The position is aimed at providing evidence-based, policy-oriented, and publication-quality research for developing an indicator for measuring SDG Target 4.7 (May-July 2019).
Making the impossible, possible: An interview with Dr. Karen Pashby
In this comprehensive interview, Wayne Tobin asks Dr. Karen Pashby about her reflections on the recent Knowledge Exchange Partnership and her involvement in Bridge 47 since its inception. We hope this interview will also act as a valuable resource for all those around the world interested in Global Citizenship Education (GCE).

FILE: impact_assessment_tor_bridge47.pdf
Join the Bridge 47 Network
Education is key to changing the world, but a sustainable and just world can only be achieved through a vision of life-long and life-wide education that inspires hearts and minds!

FILE: tor_for_publication_graphic_designers.pdf
La Via Campesina
This is the website of La Via Campesina – An International Peasant’s (campesino) Movement whose members come from 81 countries, organised into 9 regions.
What’s in a Word? The Problem with ‘Development’
What comes to mind when you think of the word development? Bridge 47 explore how development is understood in public discourse and why this might be problematic in the context of Development Education.
Partnerships: Six Learnings in Our Story So Far
Bridge 47 is built on the belief that Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is part of the answer to many of the biggest global challenges.
Bridge 47 at the UN High-Level Political Forum
In July SDG 4 (‘Quality Education’) will be reviewed at HLPF. Bridge 47 will be present with events and activities to ensure that Target 4.7 is not overlooked.
Invitation to Tender for External Evaluator of Impact Assessment
Bridge 47 is seeking an external evaluator to deliver an impact assessment of Bridge 47.
The purpose of the consultancy will be to:
The Maastricht Global Education Declaration and the Council of Europe policy framework
The Maastricht declaration represented the first broadly agreed-on policy document on global education within a European context.

FILE: tor_advocacy_research.pdf
Bridge 47 Report: GCE for Unknown Futures
This Bridge 47-commissioned report by Rene Suša provides a thorough overview of current debates and opportunities within the field of Global Citizenship Education (GCE).
Our Canada Project
The Our Canada Project (OCP) is hosted by the Ontario-based organisation Learning for Sustainable Future (LSF).

Innovation - exploring new paths of education for change
Monitoring Education for Global Citizenship: A Contribution to Debate
This is a research report, by Harm-Jan Fricke and Cathryn Gathercole with contributions from Amy Skinner, that seeks to address the following ques
The Story of Stuff Project
This is the website of The Story of Stuff Project.

FILE: tor_eu_advocacy_consultant.pdf
Finding Frames: New ways to engage the UK public in global poverty
This study looks at what can be learned from values (the guiding principles that individuals use to judge situations and determine their courses of action) and frames (the chunks of factual and pro
What Kind of Competencies Do Global Citizens Need?
Johanna Helin, author of Bridge 47's publication on Competencies for SDG Target 4.7, reflects on the competencies needed for global citizens.
Are we changing the world? Development education, activism and social change
This is an article written by Stephen McCloskey, director of Global Education Centre in Belfast and editor of Policy & Practice.
Six new publications on Envision 4.7
Bridge 47 has launched a series of six new publications on topics identified in the Envision 4.7 roadmap, The publications delve deeper into the thematics of transformative education, lifelong learning, cross-sectoral cooperation, indicators, competencies and resources for SDG Target 4.7.
Resources For SDG Target 4.7
Bridge 47 have released a publication on 'Resources For SDG Target 4.7', written by Sandra Oliveira.

Slovenia - SLOGA
SLOGA - the Slovene platform for non-governmental organisations for development, global education and humanitarian aid (Slovene Global Action) - is a national platform of NGOs, which work in the fi
Cross-Sectoral Cooperation for Sustainable Futures
Bridge 47 have released a publication on 'Cross-Sectoral Cooperation for Sustainable Futures', written by Dr. Jana Arbeiter and Dr. Maja Bučar.
Transformative Education - Bridging Education for Change
Bridge 47 have released a publication on 'Transformative Education - Bridging Education for Change', written by Dr. Jana Arbeiter and Dr. Maja Bučar.

Estonia - AKÜ
The Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation (AKÜ) is a partner organisation of Bridge 47.
EU policy working group meeting 27 April
Bridge 47 is happy to invite you to our next EU 4.7 policy working group meeting focusing on European policies for SDG Target 4.7, on Thursday 27 April, from 9:00 to 10:30 CEST (Br

Latvia - CEI
NGO Center for Education Initiatives (CEI) has been founded with the goal to promote the role of education in creating human, righteous society and to promote the development of life-long learning

The International Council for Adult Education, ICAE is a global network that advocates for youth and adult learning and education as a universal human right.

Germany - VENRO
VENRO - the Association of German Development and Humanitarian Aid NGOs - is the German partner of Bridge 47.

Denmark - Mundu
MUNDU - center for global education is an independent organisation and the only one in Denmark with global education as its main purpose.
Global policy working group meeting 4 April
Bridge 47 is happy to invite you to our next global 4.7 policy working group meeting focusing on global policies for SDG Target 4.7, on Tuesday, 4 April, from 14:00 to 15.30 CEST (

Ireland - IDEA
The Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) is the national network for Development Education in Ireland.

Slovakia - Ambrela
Ambrela – Platform for Development Organisations (previously known as 'PMVRO - the Slovak NGDO Platform') is a partner organisation of Bridge 47, active in areas of Innovation, Partnerships and Adv
4.7 Global Policy Working Group Meeting
Bridge 47 Network members are invited to attend Bridge 47's next global policy working group meeting on Tuesday 4 May, 9:00-10:30am CET.
Global Policy Working Group
Bridge 47's next Global Policy Working Group meeting will take place on 22 June 2021.
What is still missing to make Target 4.7 a reality?
Sandra Oliveira, author of Bridge 47's publication on Resources for SDG Target 4.7, reflects on the resources needed to make Target 4.7 a reality.
The Role of Transformative Education in UNESCO’s Futures of Education Initiative
UNESCO's Futures of Education initiative is an opportunity for individuals and organisations who believe in the power of transformative education to contribute to the global conversation on what the futures of education can, and should, look like.
New DEAR Campaigning & Advocacy Video Launched
Shared across social media today with the hashtag #DEARProgramme, the European Union’s Development Education and Awareness R
First-timer in High-level Political Forum – buzz, politics and opportunities
For a first-timer the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development can be a bit overwhelming.
How CSOs and research can build on each other’s capacity
Susanne von Itter, from the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, shares her thoughts on knowledge exchange partnerships.
Stronger Partnerships Between Trade Unions and CSOs to Advance GCE
Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) are natural allies and partners of the trade union movement and, yet, it seems that we have just scratched the surface in terms of the potential in this partnersh
Project Drawdown
Project Drawdown is a nonprofit organization and coalition of scholars, scientists, entrepreneurs, and advocates from across the globe that is mapping, measuring, modelling, and communicating about
Invitation to Tender: Technical support for Bridge 47 Global Virtual Event
To support the global event of the Bridge 47 project a consultancy opportunity for technical support is now available for submission.
Bridge 47 Presented at The Global Education Network meeting Of North South Centre of Council of Europe
Bridge 47 was presented at The Global Education Network meeting Of North South Centre of Council of Europe's annual meeting which took place in Colares, Portugal from 29-31 January, 2020!
Unlocking the transformative potential of education: the alliance between Lifelong Learning and SDG Target 4.7
Bridge 47 have released a publication on 'Unlocking the transformative potential of education: the alliance between Lifelong Learning and SDG Target 4.7', written by Chris Millora.
Indicators - The Need and Challenges of Tracking Implementation of Target 4.7
Bridge 47 have released a publication on 'Indicators - The Need and Challenges of Tracking Implementation of Target 4.7', written by Johanna Helin.
New Programme for Global Education & Awareness Raising Established in Bulgaria
Bridge 47 partner in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Platform for International Development (BPID), are celebrating success on a nat
UN Regional Forums Advocacy Resource
An advocacy letter and briefing note to make sure that Global Citizenship Education is a key theme at the UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2019.
Slovenian stakeholders join forces on GCE
Government and NGO representatives came together to discuss the inclusion of GCE into the upcoming White Paper on Education of the Republic of Slovenia for the 2021-2031 period.
Bridge 47 participating in the NECE Conference 2019
Bridge 47 is attending the NECE – Networking European Citizenship Education – Conference 2019.
4.7 Working Group Meeting - European Level
Bridge 47's next policy working group meeting on European level polices for SDG Target 4.7 will take place on 9 March 2021.
Transformative Competencies - How to Define and Implement Competencies for SDG Target 4.7
Bridge 47 have released a publication on 'Transformative Competencies - How to Define and Implement Competencies for SDG Target 4.7', written by Johanna Helin.
New Advocacy Resource for UN Regional Forums
An advocacy letter and briefing note to make sure that Global Citizenship Education is a key theme at the UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2019.
Advocacy Toolkit: Guidance on how to advocate for a more enabling environment for civil society in your context
This toolkit gives some basic ideas and guidance for CSOs working on (international) development effectiveness that are looking to advocate for a more enabling environment for their work.
How MUNDU Became Recognised as Target 4.7 Experts in Denmark
Danish National Officer Sonja Salminen’s small steps in advocacy work have led to giant leaps for MUNDU and GCE in Denmark.
National Youth White Paper on Global Citizenship
In March 2015, over 400 students from five high schools across Canada, in partnership with the Centre for Global Citizenship Education, The Centre for Global Education and TakingITGlobal spent a da
Invitation to tender for EU Advocacy Consultant
Bridge 47 is recruiting a policy consultant to support the Advocacy Outcome area with meeting its European Policy aims.

FILE: 1_making_your_case.pdf
The State of GCE in Slovakia: An Interview with Jakub Žaludko

Bulgaria - BPID
The Bulgarian Platform for International Development, BPID, brings together 23 development non-governmental organisations in Bulgaria.

Scotland - IDEAS
The International Development Education Association of Scotland (IDEAS) is a network of organisations and individuals involved in Development Education and Education for Global Citizenship across S

Cyprus - NGO Support Centre
The NGO Support Centre is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organisation dedicated to the development and strengthening of civil society in Cyprus.

France - Educasol
Educasol is the French platform on Citizenship Education and International Solidarity. Created in 2004, Educasol gathers 30 active members, all civil society organisations.

Bridge 47 advocates for Transformative Education and SDG Target 4.7 to be reflected in UN, European, national and local poli
4.7 EU Policy Working Group
Bridge 47 Network members are invited to attend an EU policy working group meeting on Bridge 47's Advocacy research publication on a Pan-European Strategy for SDG Target 4.7.

FILE: 5_advocacy_toolkit5b15d.pdf
Tender Opportunities with Bridge 47
To support the final phase of the Bridge 47 project, and with a view of enhancing the work of the Bridge 47 Network, several consultancy opportunities are now available for submission.
Webinar - Bridge 47 and Advocacy
Interested in learning more about the advocacy work of Bridge 47?
Making you case! Advocacy toolkit on development education and awareness raising (DEAR)
This is an advocacy toolkit developed by Gerasimos Kouvaras and Marina Sarli specifically with the purpose of raising the profile of DEAR in Europe at both nationa
Register for a training on Advocacy for Global Citizenship Education
We have opened the registration to a new training on advocacy for Global Citizenship Education in Tallinn 5-7 February.
Cyprus’ National Officer Marilena Kyriakou on her Advocacy Triumphs of 2019 and Plans for 2020
Communications trainee Kyrstie interviews National Officer and Advocacy Team member Marilena on her advocacy work in 2019 and plans for 2020.